Moving from Dreaming to Creating

As I’ve been brainstorming what I want our new house to look and feel like. I’ve been living on Pinterest, saving tons of ideas to reference back to and of course, I’ve been getting so much inspiration to make the new space our own.  

But I’ve hit a little bit of a reality wall.  

I feel like I’ve done all the searching and I have all my ideas ready, but because we haven’t closed on the house and I don’t have the keys yet (it’s coming so fast though!!!)  I don’t know what to do next. I’m ready to take action, but I physically cannot.  

So instead of wasting time saving more pins that I don’t really need, I’m going to develop a strategy – not a plan because plans are rigid and can be hard to change when things don’t go exactly as I had hoped.  I’m creating some steps for the next few weeks so that my tasks can be productive and I can accomplish things that will help me obtain my goal.

paint colors

Here are some things I need to do:

Declutter our current stuff. I certainly don’t want to move things into our new space that won’t be useful or needed.  

Pick paint colors, flooring, etc. Some of this may depend on the actual lighting in the home, but I’m narrowing my selections to just a couple options so that it will be easy to finalize when the time comes.

Map it out. I’m sketching out the new home so that I can estimate where things might go, what might not fit in our new space, and what we might be lacking.  I had envisioned that my office would be the perfect place for my new green piano. However, after sketching it out and measuring the desks and shelving that will need to go there, I realized there just isn’t room.  I think my husband is secretly happy the piano will become a focal point in the family room space because he thinks it will sound much better and we will get to show off our fun piece. Another thing I realized is that my kids currently share a dresser, but in the new space, they will have their own rooms and so one of them will need their own dresser.  Also, before we downsized to move into my parent’s basement, we sold a lot of our furniture. Now that we will have a larger family room space, we will need another couch. It will be beneficial to start looking around for something that will be affordable and give us the seating we will need for guests and family parties.

Call for services/quotes. We will be having lots of work done on the house so I’ve got to button down the tasks and get final quotes and schedules.  Also, even though we won’t be moving into the home right away, we will still have to switch over the utilities as of day one. I certainly don’t want to be there painting kitchen cabinets and not be able to use the bathroom because we forgot to sign up for services.

So it looks like my dreaming phase is on hold for a bit while I get some other important tasks finished.  My creative energy is overflowing! 

I’m ready to put my gloves on and get dirty! Have you ever renovated a home? Do you have any tips and tricks you want to share?